Dziś prezent dla Agnieszki :) Akurat miałam pod ręką te ważne słowa "matka chrzestna" ze Scrapińca oraz mapkę z Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge #37 

Wystarczyło połączyć sładniki z przydasiowego pudła i doprawić moimi ulubionymi stemplami :)
PS. Najwyższy czas oscrapować zdjęcia z chrzcin Krzysia, bo najdalej za pół roku będą zdjęcia ze chrzcin kolejnego maleństwa :D
How wonderful you used the sketch this week for your layout. It looks fantastic. I like the details and your embellishments. Thanks for taking the time this week to join us in the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge. We would be thrilled if you joined us again next week as we love to visit and view your work.
OdpowiedzUsuńBear hugs,
Carol :o}
Midnight Madness Design Team
Great job with the sketch this week. The MMDesign Team thanks you for playing along with us this week and we will be looking for you next week too!!
OdpowiedzUsuńPhyllis MMDesign Team
I am loving this layout - a fabulous idea to use the MMSC - I am planning on doing some layouts as well! Love the DP and the lovely sentiment! What a beautiful memory you have captured! Thanks for playing along with the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week, we love to see your cards. We look forward to seeing you again next week! (((hugs)))
OdpowiedzUsuńLinda MMSC Design Team
Fajna interpretacja :)
OdpowiedzUsuńChodziłam do XVII :)))))
Fantastic...I want to do more scrap book pages..this has really inspired me.. thanks :) Thank you so much for playing the Midnight Madness sketch challenge this week.
MMSC Hostess
What a beautiful scrapbook page. Thanks for playing along with the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge!